TRANSFORMATION: Smoke and Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis)
Promotes resilience, strength and adaptability as the past burns down around us; helps us maintain joy and hope in the midst of change, even as it occurs; promotes resilience, strength and adaptability to embrace the emerging future.
ALIGNMENT: Natural Hot Spring
Helps us align with the life-force and natural cycles of the earth; presence with the natural cycles of our own lives, and the ebb and flow, the expanding and contracting as energy moves from the nonphysical to the physical; patient awareness of life’s natural gestation periods.
AWAKENED BEING: Beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax)
Provides us with the gift of presence; engaging with each moment in a state of awakened being; restores our innate connection with nature’s divine intelligence and empowers us to know ourselves through our own unique creative expression.
BELONGING: Angelica (Angelica triquinata)
The protective embrace of belonging; knowing we are a valuable and vital piece of a greater whole; connects us with our heart-of-hearts and the unlimited support of all-that-is; brings sacredness and meaning to our daily experience.
EMPOWERMENT: Canada Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis)
The “I AM” essence; helps us stay true to our unique individuality without distraction or doubt; alignment with our deepest intentions and desires; Helps us stand strong; provides freedom from the illusion of what we are not.
FORTITUDE: Mountain Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)
Strength and protection; adaptability, perseverance and longevity; encourages us to release those that cause doubt, fear and uncertainty; cultivates inner resolve and resilience to withstand harsh outside conditions.
AWAKENING: Bitterroot (Lewisia rediviva)
A gift of spiritual awakening connecting us to the rapture of being alive; encourages us to embrace life’s blessings as we participate in the never-ending cycle of attracting even more to be grateful for; the embodiment of magic.
LIFE-FORCE: Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata)
Restores our inherent connection to the powerful life-force energy in the core of the earth, helping us create and maintain a deeply rooted inner strength; grounds and balances the creative process in functional and practical ways.
RE-BIRTH: Burn and Bear Grass Pollen
Transformation and rebirth; the understanding that with all loss comes gain; facilitates the finding of our sweet spot, that pivotal and magical moment when the old is transmuted into the new, and our desires become the true instruments of change.
INSIGHT: Blue Lace Agate
Wisdom and vision of the Grandmothers; intuitive insight, or second sight of the feminine; provides support as we shift from creating our lives from the intellectual realms to creating our lives from an embodied expanse of awakened and peaceful consciousness.
SUSTAINABILITY: Old-Growth Ponderosa Pine Grove (Pinus ponderosa)
The wisdom of the elders; the Seventh Generation principle; an awareness of how our actions affect the whole; cultivates the mindfulness necessary to understand what the journey of sustainability means to our individual lives.
PURPOSE: Montana Blue Sapphire
Promotes an unwavering trust in our ability to face obstacles and challenges; clears out the mind clutter distracting us from the calm and strength that resides within; stimulates our reticular activating system, neurons in the brain stem that filter out unnecessary information.
AWARENESS: Blue Camas (Camassia quamash)
Restores and supports our relationship between mind, body and spirit, a necessary component to experience our own authentic and glorious bloom; aligns our higher chakras and clarifies messages and guidance from our higher-self.
DIVINE FEMININE: Elephant’s Head (Pedicularis groenlandica)
Promotes the right use of power by balancing catalytic and focused masculine energy with nurturing and creative feminine energy; brings conscious awareness to our heart where the intuitive feminine can inform and guide our choices.
TRUTH: Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata)
Raises our awareness of belonging on the planet, that we are strong and individual yet connected and strengthened by core truths and purpose of the greater collective; fine tunes our skills of observation and discernment as we re-examine what we know to be true.
CENTERING: Yellow Pond Lily (Nuphar lutea)
Clears out unhealthy thought patterns to create a new reference point of center, where body, mind and spirit are balanced and grounded; maintains and anchors clarity when we are outgrowing the past and making conscious change in authentic and intentional ways.
PROTECTION: Montana Almandine Garnet
Supports the creation and maintenance of strong protective boundaries; provides a deep inner knowing of never-ending divine protection and support from the unseen realms; provides a space for both learning and unlearning, based on our interactions with a changing reality.
RE-PATTERNING: Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse 2015
The integration of higher dimensional energies and awareness to inform and restore our physical bodies; energetic strength and nourishment to co-evolve and ascend with the Earth; a heart-centered embrace to lift us to even higher levels of self-care and self-love.
AUTHENTICITY: Glacier Lily (Erythronium grandiflorum)
Encourages the cultivation of an unmistakable inner knowing that we are worthy and capable of healthy, positive and reciprocal relationships; connects our heart and mind so we may respond to life with an empowered and compassionate authentic voice.
RESILIENCE: White Marsh Marigold (Caltha leptosepala)
Strengthens awareness of our inherent fluidity and adaptable nature, so we are able to navigate demanding situations; increases awareness of unhealthy patterns we have created to stay safe; promotes resilience, inner-strength and a proactive response to life.
OPENING: Meadowsweet Subalpine Spiraea (Spiraea splendens)
Supports a fearless opening of the heart when healing from the impact of trauma and emotional injury; provides a sense of safety within our heart that expands to our relations with others; deepens our connection with the life-force of the Earth.
CORE SELF: Yellow Pink Mountain Columbine (Aquilegia flavescens)
Reconnects us with our core essence, where true strength, courage and confidence reside; brings a focused awareness to our unique traits so we are better able to embrace who we are and what we have to give; cultivates satisfaction and contentment in our lives.
PARADIGM SHIFT: Oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor)
A catalyst for those on the edge of a personal paradigm shift; a supportive infusion of divine awareness and love; a protected inner wilderness where our authentic-self connects with nature and Source; cultivates new ways of thinking and of viewing our lives.
WHOLENESS: Total Solar Eclipse 2017
Promotes unity consciousness, a unification of self, others, nature and the God we choose; restores our innate wholeness by merging the dualities of masculine and feminine, physical and non-physical and mind and heart; cultivates an understanding of what it means to, dream in the real.
NEVER-BEFORNESS: Pink Silvery Lupine (Lupinus argenteus)
Telling a new story; creating space for the new and unique; never before-ness; encourages inner and outer adjustments so life’s creative force may flow freely; helpful when caught up in familial and ancestral patterns.
GRACE: American Bistort (Polygonum bistortoides)
Grace under pressure; helps us rise to the occasion with perseverance and determination to succeed; dedicated action; expanding the scope of possibilities; creating new neural pathways to higher living.
SAFETY: Silky Locoweed (Oxytropis sericea)
Rooted and connected in the heart center; rebuilding a sense of safety in the body after a traumatic event; confidence to adventure into the unknown; trusting the ongoing cycles of nature and our lives.
ALLOWING: American Globeflower (Trollius laxus)
Emergence and spacious allowing – FLOW! Refreshes our perspective when we are stuck in rigid patterns; releases what doesn’t serve to make space for what really matters; encourages healthy forgiveness.
RESPONSE-ABILITY: Little Larkspur (Delphinium bicolor)
Promotes clear vision and alignment with our inner guidance; helps us know the difference between reacting to life and responding from clear insight and perspective; understanding that perception is unique to individual observation.
HOLDING SPACE: Heart-leaf Spring Beauty (Claytonia cordifolia)
Supports the act of holding space for ourselves and others; assists as we focus our attention on our intentions, desires, and goals; addresses our relationship with time; reminds us to pay attention to what is before us.
SELF-DIRECTED CREATION: Sugarbowl Clematis (Clematis hirsutissima)
Promotes mindful intent; have a dream and show up; set your intentions and don’t get caught up in the twists and turns of the journey; a container for self-directed creation; connects us with a divine source of well-being.
INTEGRITY: Alpine Bog Laurel (Kalmia microphylla)
Helps us attain balance between selflessness and self-responsibility; supports stewardship and right action; self-maintenance; selflessness, self-fullness, and self-awareness in relation to the whole — personal integrity.
The Field of Dreaming and Soul Embodiment; relating to the divine through our physical form with a direct awareness of our Soul in the world; helps us embrace our full potential to envision and create our lives; the realm of possibilities.
INNER SPACE ALCHEMY: Mountain Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium montanum)
Helps us acknowledge and release generational trauma; the alchemy of the outer-reaches of inner-space; replaces self-judgment with self-appreciation; a gentle reminder there is more to life than what we see with our eyes.
INNER RHYTHM: Pasqueflower (Anenome patens)
Gentle and strong protection as life unfolds to our own unique rhythm; gently guided by the natural pulse of the Earth; connecting to inner guidance and letting go of distraction and doubt; encourages us to embrace what is.
SELF-CARE: Woolly-leaf Lupine (Lupinus leucophyllus)
In service to the whole of body, mind and spirit; integral in the recovery of Self and the practice of self-love, self-care, self-awareness, self-compassion and self-reliance; an invitation to slow down and take an honest inventory.
AUTONOMY: Baldhip Rose (Rosa gymnocarpa)
Autonomy; cultivation of inner strength, endurance and protective boundaries; helpful for relationships where there is dissonance because of an imbalance of power: helps us recognize and appreciate our contribution and gifts.
REVERENCE: Bigleaf Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus)
Love and concern for the whole; a broader perspective and commitment to safeguarding and honoring the differences and contributions of all people; respect and reverence for all of life; fosters a sense of curiosity and wonder.
ENDURANCE: Small-flower Beardtongue (Penstemon procerus)
Strengthens the flow of life-force energy from the Earth to the body, boosts the endurance required to manage and live with chronic health issues; encourages presence and mindfulness; higher reaches of the mind.
RE-PARENTING: Baker Pointed-tip Mariposa Lily (Calochortus apiculatus)
Reconnects us to the origins of our inner-child, when we were whole, complete and perfect; reignites the flow of reciprocity between our source of personal power and compassion and serenity; re-parenting.